Children of St. Matthew’s School in Pomona, Belize, pick peppers from their first and very prolific school garden with the University of Arkansas.
Peacework works with communities in the United States also, here with DEILAB – Design, Engineering, and Innovation LAB – to challenge children and youth to model enterprising opportunities across racial barriers.
PwC and Peacework co-authored a curriculum on financial literacy for the youth of Belize, a curriculum that could be replicated anywhere in the world and empower youth of the rising generation.
Personal one-on-one engagement created a powerful interaction of youth and PwC professionals. Three days from her introduction to financial literacy to her own business plan!
Mitch Roshelle a nd Maia celebrate Maia’s cover on Time for Kids!
Students from Virginia Tech and Asia Pacific International University in Saraburi, Thailand, developed a strategy for sharing life and financial skills with young women aging out of orphanages and to increase awareness of trafficking threats. The curriculum is available free to any institution worldwide.
Morehouse College has been engaged with Peacework in several countries for more than 15 years, currently in a multi-year partnership with Project Esperanza in the Dominican Republic.
Peacework and the Global Health Team of Ohio State University in collaboration with the Othakarhaka Foundation in Mulanje, Malawi.
An iconic photo of a PwC financial professional working with children who will be the rising generation of educational, financial, political, and social leaders in our world.
St. Martin De Porres is one of 25 schools in Belize City where over 2,400 PwC employees and leaders from around the world shared their financial knowledge and children and teachers shared their passion for learning.
Peacework and Via International formed an alliance to share the reality of the lives of migrants and deportees on the US/Mexico border and offer volunteer service in relief and development.
Peacework and the College of Rural Development in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam have worked together for over twenty years, sharing innovation and inspiration for rural development. The bladder here collects pig run-off and produces virtually zero-cost energy for this farm family in Hoa An.
The Hau Giang Province of Vietnam offers a wealth of learning and growing experiences in a fascinating and welcoming land.
Coach for College, a program of Peacework’s for over ten years, brings varsity athletes from near 50 universities to Vietnam every summer sharing academic and sport skills.
Virginia Tech’s School of Construction and PHD in Vietnam built this 2-classroom school in a gesture of valuable humanitarian collaboration.
Peacework and Via International formed an alliance to share the reality of the lives of migrants and deportees on the US/Mexico border and offer volunteer service in relief and development.
COVID-19 has had many consequences for people around the world. The coronavirus is not only a pervasive public health threat but has threatened financial survival and the most basic need, food.
Students from the University of South Florida worked with Ninos del Sol and local community groups in the Sacred Valley of Peru in agriculture and small local agri-business efforts.
Students from the University of South Florida and Mae Fah Luang University in Chaing Rai, Thailand, undertook a multi-year project to make young women aging out of orphanages more aware of trafficking threats and to share financial and life skills with this vulnerable population.
Computers open doors and provide global connections for education, empowerment, and engagement.
The College of Engineering at Penn State University and local Vega Electric in Honduras install solar panels on schools on rural Roatan.
Belize healthcare staff and faculty and students from the University of Wisconsin assess and treat hundreds at rural clinics each year.
A Salvadorean family of three left their worldly possessions at the Fundacion Gaia office while looking for a job in Tijuana.
Peacework means global relationships. That’s the bottom line. Ashley Ferree Farrar, one of the student leaders from Roanoke College and one of over 30,000 volunteers with Peacework, shared her heart and passion with children and teachers in the Cayo District of Belize.
Computers open doors and provide global connections for education, empowerment, and engagement.
Our purpose at Peacework is not helping others, but rather taking a journey with global partners in relief and development where critical resources are needed and where local community citizens guide our understanding of development needs, strategy, and their own beat practices.
Peacework is about relationships between people, communities, and countries – some formerly in conflict or disparate resources, but all seeking understanding and a peaceful and prosperous future by working alongside one another on common dreams and goals.
PwC Global CFO Carol Sawdye added her connections to the NBA in this program. There’s nothing like sports to motivate youth!
PwC professionals shared their talent and financial skills with youth leaders in Belize.
During two intensive months, professors and students from UC Davis and El Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Tijuana, Mexico, met with people who spent much of their lives in the United States but after being deported are trying — often with great difficulty — to make a new life in Mexico. The result is 40 videos, “Humanizing Deportation (Humanizando la Deportación): A Digital Storytelling Project”. Darinka Carballo is the director of Fundacion Gaia, legal aid and advocate of migrants and deportees.
Children of St. Matthew’s School in Pomona, Belize, pick peppers from their first and very prolific school garden with the University of Arkansas.
Peacework works with communities in the United States also, here with DEILAB – Design, Engineering, and Innovation LAB – to challenge children and youth to model enterprising opportunities across racial barriers.
PwC and Peacework co-authored a curriculum on financial literacy for the youth of Belize, a curriculum that could be replicated anywhere in the world and empower youth of the rising generation.
Personal one-on-one engagement created a powerful interaction of youth and PwC professionals. Three days from her introduction to financial literacy to her own business plan!
Mitch Roshelle a nd Maia celebrate Maia’s cover on Time for Kids!
Students from Virginia Tech and Asia Pacific International University in Saraburi, Thailand, developed a strategy for sharing life and financial skills with young women aging out of orphanages and to increase awareness of trafficking threats. The curriculum is available free to any institution worldwide.
Morehouse College has been engaged with Peacework in several countries for more than 15 years, currently in a multi-year partnership with Project Esperanza in the Dominican Republic.
Peacework and the Global Health Team of Ohio State University in collaboration with the Othakarhaka Foundation in Mulanje, Malawi.
An iconic photo of a PwC financial professional working with children who will be the rising generation of educational, financial, political, and social leaders in our world.
St. Martin De Porres is one of 25 schools in Belize City where over 2,400 PwC employees and leaders from around the world shared their financial knowledge and children and teachers shared their passion for learning.
Peacework and Via International formed an alliance to share the reality of the lives of migrants and deportees on the US/Mexico border and offer volunteer service in relief and development.
Peacework and the College of Rural Development in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam have worked together for over twenty years, sharing innovation and inspiration for rural development. The bladder here collects pig run-off and produces virtually zero-cost energy for this farm family in Hoa An.
The Hau Giang Province of Vietnam offers a wealth of learning and growing experiences in a fascinating and welcoming land.
Coach for College, a program of Peacework’s for over ten years, brings varsity athletes from near 50 universities to Vietnam every summer sharing academic and sport skills.
Virginia Tech’s School of Construction and PHD in Vietnam built this 2-classroom school in a gesture of valuable humanitarian collaboration.
Peacework and Via International formed an alliance to share the reality of the lives of migrants and deportees on the US/Mexico border and offer volunteer service in relief and development.
COVID-19 has had many consequences for people around the world. The coronavirus is not only a pervasive public health threat but has threatened financial survival and the most basic need, food.
Students from the University of South Florida worked with Ninos del Sol and local community groups in the Sacred Valley of Peru in agriculture and small local agri-business efforts.
Students from the University of South Florida and Mae Fah Luang University in Chaing Rai, Thailand, undertook a multi-year project to make young women aging out of orphanages more aware of trafficking threats and to share financial and life skills with this vulnerable population.
Computers open doors and provide global connections for education, empowerment, and engagement.
The College of Engineering at Penn State University and local Vega Electric in Honduras install solar panels on schools on rural Roatan.
Belize healthcare staff and faculty and students from the University of Wisconsin assess and treat hundreds at rural clinics each year.
A Salvadorean family of three left their worldly possessions at the Fundacion Gaia office while looking for a job in Tijuana.
Peacework means global relationships. That’s the bottom line. Ashley Ferree Farrar, one of the student leaders from Roanoke College and one of over 30,000 volunteers with Peacework, shared her heart and passion with children and teachers in the Cayo District of Belize.
Computers open doors and provide global connections for education, empowerment, and engagement.
Our purpose at Peacework is not helping others, but rather taking a journey with global partners in relief and development where critical resources are needed and where local community citizens guide our understanding of development needs, strategy, and their own beat practices.
Peacework is about relationships between people, communities, and countries – some formerly in conflict or disparate resources, but all seeking understanding and a peaceful and prosperous future by working alongside one another on common dreams and goals.
PwC Global CFO Carol Sawdye added her connections to the NBA in this program. There’s nothing like sports to motivate youth!
PwC professionals shared their talent and financial skills with youth leaders in Belize.
During two intensive months, professors and students from UC Davis and El Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Tijuana, Mexico, met with people who spent much of their lives in the United States but after being deported are trying — often with great difficulty — to make a new life in Mexico. The result is 40 videos, “Humanizing Deportation (Humanizando la Deportación): A Digital Storytelling Project”. Darinka Carballo is the director of Fundacion Gaia, legal aid and advocate of migrants and deportees.
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In my 30+ year career, I have had the opportunity to work with countless organizations. The people of Peacework are among the most impressive professionals with whom I have had the honor to work alongside. We place great importance on quality, and Peacework's execution of the logistics and operations of our work in-country is evidence of their commitment to excellence.