Accelerating collective impact
When you collaborate with Peacework, you’re instantly part of a vibrant network of communities around the world that have been actualizing collective impact over 30 years.
While you focus on what you do best, Peacework brings:
Meet our Team
Board Members over the years have come from a wide variety of development and educational fields. Their experience includes contracting with UNICEF in Africa, endowed chairs in esteemed schools of business, former Peace Corps volunteers, MBAs, business owners, faculty in construction management, field managers for graduate programs in Social Work, and many other disciplines. Their history with Peacework and their expertise in a variety of fields inspires those who work with Peacework projects and partners around the world. Peacework is always seeking new board representatives and welcomes your inquiry about service in that capacity.
Peacework’s staff and field managers are a creative, inspiring, and dedicated team with global experience in many disciplines and aspects of development from community services to agriculture, health, business, technology, clean energy, education, and a host of partnerships around the world that make great things happen for sponsoring universities, colleges, NGOs, and corporations in the field! As partnerships with institutions and communities emerge, our team members put projects into action and provide the kind of planning, project implementation, risk support, and logistics required for successful international programs and applied studies abroad. Peacework is always looking for people with experience in specific countries, cultures, and fields as future managers and welcome your inquiry about working in that capacity.